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Divorce with Joy for A Drama Free Divorce

Don’t Pay for an Opinion You’re Not Going to Follow

Divorce is hard. Clients are emotional and afraid. They don’t know the law and are worried for their future. This is a very bad place from which to make decisions that will affect the rest of your life.

Photo credit via Jen Collins

Photo credit via Jen Collins

Good divorce attorneys understand the clients are in a grieving process and will give clients the space to move through the stages that inevitably follow the death of a relationship.

It is vitally important to find an attorney who will work for you, make good decisions in your case and make sure your best interests are followed.

There are some ways to ensure your attorney is well-intentioned and I discuss some of these in Divorce with Joy – A Divorce Attorney’s Guide to Happy Ever After.

Once you have chosen an attorney well, it is also important to remember their role. You absolutely must trust your attorney. The most trust-worthy attorneys will tell you things you do not like. We absolutely are not going to tell you what you want to hear when we know it isn’t good advice.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who will pay thousands of dollars for a professional to give them advice and then not take it. Part of my job is to save people from themselves. I am tasked with encouraging people to make good choices even when they’re angry and even when their “friends” and sister and co-worker are encouraging their bad behavior.

The bottom line is this: if you don’t trust your attorney to point you in the right direction, then find another attorney.

If you think you know how the law and legal system works and how a Judge will decide your case, then represent yourself. If you know everything, there is no need for an attorney. It is pointless to spend money on advice you are not going to follow.

But, if you have some perspective that you might not be in the best mental or emotional place to make rational decisions, then follow the advice for which you’ve paid good money. You’re not going to be 100% happy with the outcome of any divorce.

But, you can be happy after a divorce if you follow the good advice of trusted and wise counsel. It is usually not easy but it is always worth it.


If you found this article helpful, you’ll love the advice you’ll find in Divorce with Joy – A Divorce Attorney’s Guide to Happy Ever After.

Divorce with Joy provides information about divorce and legal issues designed to help users cope with their own legal needs.  This legal information is not the same as personal legal advice – the application of law to an individual’s specific circumstances.  If you want professional assurance regarding your personal situation, please consult a lawyer.  If you are a lawyer, please review the authorities personally to determine their application to your case.

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